The leadership of the Victorian CFMEU continues to refuse to negotiate a code-compliant variation for those who signed their 2016-2018 Pattern EBA. This is a position that puts misplaced ideology ahead of their members’ best interests, as the changes required to make that agreement compliant with Building Code 2016 would not result in a loss of terms and conditions of employment for employees. Should the CFMEU’s position remain unchanged, those contractors who signed the CFMEU Pattern EBA 2016-2018, and who want to be in a position to tender and be awarded federally funded work from 1 September, will need to engage directly with their employees to convince a majority to vote in favour for either a variation or termination of the Agreement.

It is understood that should the CFMEU not be challenged by contractors or members directly affected by their current position regarding the Code, their strategy is likely to be to ‘sit on their hands’ until after the next federal election – with those covered by their 2016-2018 Pattern EBA being collateral damage in the interim.

Members can access a copy of the ABCC’s preliminary assessment of the CFMEU Pattern EBA 2016-2018 here and a general fact sheet on Building Code 2016 here. Further information will be made available shortly. In the interim, members seeking further information should contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560.