Policy and Advocacy


Building a Transition Report

Innovative approaches to construction industry transformation towards a safer and more sustainable future.

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Mutual Recognition Amendment Bill 2021

The Federal Government’s Mutual Recognition Amendment Bill 2021 has been passed by the Senate. The reform enables registered workers to operate across jurisdictions,...

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Continuing Professional Development for Builders and Plumbers Consultation Paper

Master Builders Victoria has provided its submission to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP) in response to its Continuing Professional...

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Better Apartments in Neighbourhoods – Final Draft Standards

Master Builders Victoria has provided its submission to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) on its discussion paper detailing the proposed...

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Registration and licensing of tradespeople who perform carpentry work

Master Builders Victoria (‘MBV’) is the leading voice in building and construction and welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the options paper on the...

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Registration and licensing of building trades – Master Builders Victoria...

Master Builders Victoria (‘Master Builders’) is the leading voice in building and construction in Victoria and welcomes the opportunity to provide input into...

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Master Builders Victoria submission in response to the workplace manslaughter...

Master Builders Victoria submission in response to the workplace manslaughter consultation paper, 30 May 2019

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Master Builders Victoria Policy Priorities 2018

Master Builders Victoria is taking its key priorities to the steps of Parliament House this year as part of its strategy for the upcoming Victorian state election...

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Small Business Regulation Review submission

Master Builders Association of Victoria (Master Builders) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport...

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Draft Central Melbourne Design Guide:Comment on June 2018 Draft for Exhibition

Master Builders supports the intent of the draft CMDG which is an initiative designed to improve the dialogue among builders, developers and planners.

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Shergold-Weir Report: Master Builders' response

Master Builders Victoria welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the report from Peter Shergold and Bronwyn Weir: Building Confidence: Improving the effectiveness...

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Draft Labour Hire Licensing Regs FINAL

By way of general comment, Master Builders observes that during the initial consultation period and the passage of the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018, we highlighted...

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Stormwater Management Advisory 9 July

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Issues Paper Improving Stormwater Management.

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Deloitte Access Economics: Construction workforce in Victoria, December 2017

Deloitte Access Economics has been commissioned by the Master Builders Association of Victoria (MBAV) to undertake independent research across a range of issues...

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Final submission: Enhancing Victoria's Economic Performance and Productivity

Enhancing Victoria's Economic Performance and Productivity

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Website Master Builders 2017 Draft Building Regulations response

Master Builders Association of Victoria (Master Builders) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Draft Building Regulations 2017 (the Draft Regulations).

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Master Builders' Priorities 2017

The size and importance of the building and construction industry in Victoria cannot be overestimated. This is the most important sector for the State – in terms...

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Better Apartments Draft Standards response

The quality of living standards in Victoria is an important issue for the community. With the population of Greater Melbourne predicted to grow to 8 million by 2051,...

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Alteration of Rules

Notice is given, pursuant to R121(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009, that an Application to FWC by the Master Builders Association...

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Master Builders' response to Infrastructure Victoria’s draft options paper

Master Builders welcomes the opportunity to comment on Infrastructure Victoria’s All Things Considered and its accompanying draft options.

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Residential Zones State of Play

In response to the series of Residential Zones State of Play reports[1] prepared by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Master Builders Association...

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Master Builders’ priorities 2016-17: Building for Growth

As Australia’s fastest-growing city, the Bureau of Statistics projects that by 2051 Melbourne’s population could double to nearly 7.7 million, requiring construction...

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Planning for Growth

Master Builders Association of Victoria (Master Builders) is the peak body representing employers in the Victorian building and construction industry. Our membership...

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Op-ed by Radley de Silva: The balm for troubled times is a fair deal for all

Faced with recent persistent publicity about industrial thuggery and lawlessness in the building and construction sector, I am sure I have not been alone in being...

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Master Builders Rule Change Submission to Fair Work Commission

Master Builders Rule Change The Master Builders Association of Victoria, pursuant to regulation 126(1)(b) of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 hereby gives notice...

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Wood Encouragement Policy - Latrobe City Council

Master Builders has supported Latrobe City Council’s efforts to encourage the use of wood as a preferred material in the construction and fit-out of Council buildings...

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Master Builders Annual Committee nomination process

In accordance with the Constitution and Rules of the Master Builders Association of Victoria, nomination forms have been distributed on 1 August to all members eligible...

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Workplace Gender Equality Agency submission

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is charged with promoting...

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Sunsetting of Building Regulations 2006

Master Builders’ has made a number of recommendations to the Victorian Building Authority regarding the effectiveness of the current Building Regulations 2006,...

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Master Builders Rule Change Submission to Fair Work Commission

Master Builders Rule Change The Master Builders Association of Victoria, pursuant to regulation 126(1)(b) of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 hereby gives notice...

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Building Victoria Together

Master Builders' submission to the State Government for the 2014-15 Budget includes a call for an independent inquiry into housing affordability. The submission...

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Plan Melbourne submission

Master Builders has made recommendations for modernising Victoria's planning system, based on new population statistics that forecast higher than expected growth...

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Building Victoria's future: The need for an East West Link

Master Builders, alongside nine other industry associations and membership organisations, has outlined the need to proceed with the State Government's East West Link.

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Melbourne's Water Future

Master Builders supports moves to improve the way water is used and re-used at a local community level so we can reduce the need to build large-scale, expensive...

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VicSmart - Cutting the times for planning permits

The State Government has proposed a new system to fast-track low-impact planning permit applications. Master Builders' submission supports this view, but calls for...

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Melbourne Planning Scheme – Amendment C209

Master Builders has called for the City of Melbourne to abandon a proposal to impose a mandated open space contribution for developments of 5 to 8 per cent.

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Metropolitan Planning Strategy

Master Builders recommendations for developing a long-term vision for Melbourne.

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Development Contributions – Stage 2

Master Builders recommendations in response to the Standard Development Contributions Advisory Committees first report – Setting the Framework.

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Regulatory Impact Statement Process

Master Builders has called for greater quality and transparency in the RIS process.

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Master Builders has supported proposed increases to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal fee structure.

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2013-14 State Budget Submission

Master Builders has called on the State Government to stimulate building and investment in Victoria, improve skills in the building and construction industry and...

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Public Private Partnerships

Master Builders recommendations for the future direction of Victorian public private partnerships.

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Development Contributions

Master Builders recommendations for a fairer and more consistent Development Contributions system.

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Simplifying Planning Zones

Master Builders has called for Victoria’s overly complex planning laws to be simplified.

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VCAT Legislation Reform Project

Advocating for reforms to ensure the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal hands down decisions in a timely, consistent and affordable manner, Master Builders...

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National model OHS laws flawed

Master Builders has recommended the Victorian Government does not proceed with moves to harmonise OHS laws across the country following the release of an independent...

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Domestic Building Consumer Protection Framework

The Victorian Domestic Building Consumer Protection Framework review looked at a wide range of industry matters including insurance, registration, building regulations...

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Amending walls on boundaries standards

Master Builders has supported moves to amend standards for walls on boundaries to cut the red tape and associated financial burdens home builders regularly on this issue.

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2012-13 State Budget Submission

Master Builders has called on the State Government to use the State Budget to support jobs and boost investment in the building industry.

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Airport safeguarding framework

Master Builders has expressed concerns over a Federal Government proposal to reform planning around airports, which could restrict building activities in communities...

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2024 Homes Victoria Excellence in Social Procurement Award

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