Master Builders is proud to represent people who work in all facets of the building and construction industry. We strive to continually improve and fine-tune our services to make sure we’re meeting your needs. That’s why we sent out a survey in February to learn what things you like about Master Builders, and how we can serve you better.
We were not surprised to find that you place high value on the products and services we offer. Free services, like legal and OHS resources and advice, provide our members with significant value for money.
Likewise, you also value being able to use Master Builders’ logo and branding devices for your business. Being a Master Builder gives you a strong point of difference in our highly competitive industry; achieving member status and attaching our brand to your business gives your work a widely-recognised stamp of approval. The Master Builders brand demonstrates that you’re unbeatable in your field, and the broader community recognises that. That’s exactly why we make the investment in branding—to demonstrate to both the public and the profession just how unbeatable Master Builders are.
We are pleased that many of you use your membership to benefit from our assistance with applying for and maintaining your registration. Becoming registered is not easy. It requires time, organisation and patience. But the rewards of registration are significant, including giving you more control over who you work for and how you manage your business. We are always here to help you with your registration goals and questions, and we have experienced team members who can help reduce the burden of this process for you.
You also told us we need to be better at letting you know about the services we provide. From building permits, industrial relations and training advice to helping you connect with jobs in the industry, we have work to do to make sure you are aware of, and can access, these essential business services. We will continue to improve our communications through our electronic channels, social media and magazine. If you do not already receive our email newsletters, a quick call to Master Builders’ Assist Department on (03) 9411 4555 will get you subscribed at no cost, and help ensure you receive events updates and information about what interests you most.
There is a great deal of information on our website, including how people can find a Master Builder. If you are not already listed on this service, please consider registering to increase your visibility and potential for getting work.
We know that the website can be complicated to navigate, and understand we need to do more to enhance the usability of our electronic communications, so you can more easily access information from your work site. We will endeavour to improve in these areas, and look forward to your feedback on the key areas that we need to update.
Master Builders relies on your feedback for our continued improvement, so we thank you for responding to the survey. As always, if you have any questions about your membership or the products and services available to you, call us on (03) 9411 4555 to speak with a friendly Master Builders staff member.