Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy
Head of Cecure, Androo Allen and construction manager Andrew Chrystie are part of a team which has helped bring scores of residential projects to completion.

Meet the builders offering hope in hard times

Builders across Victoria are rolling up their sleeves to help complete unfinished projects as the industry continues to forge a pathway forward.

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Contract Obligations - Home Warranty Insurance and Deposits

Contract Obligations - Home Warranty Insurance..

If you are engaging in domestic building work valued at over $10,000, then the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (Vic) (DBCA) requires that.

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MBV Congratulates Labor on Federal Election Win

MBV Continues Advocacy Work with New Government

MBV congratulates the Australian Labor Party on its weekend election win and looks forward to working with the new Government.

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FWC orders a 2.4% increase in minimum wages

On 31 May 2016 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) awarded a 2.4% increase to all modern Award wages and lifted the national minimum wage to $672.70 or $17.70 per hour....

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Master Builders supports infrastructure Victoria options to centralise...

Master Builders welcomed the opportunity to respond to Infrastructure Victoria’s Draft Options.

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FWC orders a 2.5 per cent increase in minimum wages

On 2 June 2015 the Fair Work Commission (FWC) awarded a 2.5 per cent increase to all modern Award wages and lifted the national minimum wage to $656.90 or $17.29...

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Positives and highs characterise survey for Victoria

The latest results from the Master Builders National Survey show a positive outlook for Victorian business confidence, with business conditions at a decade high.

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Construction loan challenges facing your clients

There are a lot of changes in the lending arena that have resulted in consumers having to struggle to obtain finance. This is especially true for investors wanting...

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Planning urgency missing from government’s infrastructure response

“We applaud the Victorian government’s commitment to infrastructure in the release of their five-year plan, citing urgent road projects including North East...

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