Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy
Head of Cecure, Androo Allen and construction manager Andrew Chrystie are part of a team which has helped bring scores of residential projects to completion.

Meet the builders offering hope in hard times

Builders across Victoria are rolling up their sleeves to help complete unfinished projects as the industry continues to forge a pathway forward.

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Contract Obligations - Home Warranty Insurance and Deposits

Contract Obligations - Home Warranty Insurance..

If you are engaging in domestic building work valued at over $10,000, then the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (Vic) (DBCA) requires that.

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MBV Congratulates Labor on Federal Election Win

MBV Continues Advocacy Work with New Government

MBV congratulates the Australian Labor Party on its weekend election win and looks forward to working with the new Government.

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Victorian building and construction industry outlook, June 2016

Urbis has prepared a report for Master Builders Association of Victoria titled Victorian Building and Construction Industry Outlook, which indicates that while the...

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Various ways to help your kids enter the property market

The real estate market can be tough for young adults, but as a parent you may be able to lend a helping hand. We tell you how.

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Settlement risk: GST consequence for property developers and builders

Settlement risk on property deals is reported in the press daily. Regardless of whether such risks are accurate or exaggerated the following sets out the main GST...

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Sharing your financial intelligence

Worried about your children not mastering the skills to manage their finances as adults? These tips for parents will help you instil good financial sense in the...

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Victorian builder expectations/ activity remain stronger than national...

Master Builders regularly seeks input from our members to better understand their views on the economy, their business prospects and the conditions they face in...

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Lending specials to be aware of

The finance environment has been changing during the past few months with limitations on investor loans, non-resident loans and some types of commercial funding....

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