Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy


Winter Special Offer throughout the month of July 2024!

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2024 Homes Victoria Excellence in Social..

Entries for the 2024 Homes Victoria Excellence in Social Procurement Award are now open!

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Contracts Worshop February 2024

Registrations have now closed for the 2024..

Registrations have now closed for the 2024 February Contracts Workshop. Additional Workshops are available from March to July.

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The tradie challenge- give it a crack!

The Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave is bringing a new and exciting challenge to the building and construction industry in Victoria in their fight...

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What happens to a builder who brings home the top honour?

Last October, at the Master Builders Excellence in Housing Awards at Crown Palladium, host Stephen Curry announced Peter Apostoli, of Armadillo Homes, as the Master...

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President picking looks at the term ahead

Master Builders Immediate Past President Greg Zuccala has officially passed the torch to incoming President Peter Picking in front of 130 guests at a function this week.

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Celebrating the leaders in the housing industry

Each year there are two big nights on the Master Builders calendar where we celebrate and recognise the leaders in our industry. On 17 October we will honour the...

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How to build healthier buildings

For Pro Clima Australia General Manager, Thomas van Raamsdonk, educating builders and consumers about how to build healthy homes is not just a job but a calling.

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Infrastructure and jobs a priority for state opposition in election lead up

The lead up to the November State Election looks like being a most eventful one for both major sides of politics.

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