Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy

Modern methods of construction international..

Mark Farmer will share insights, truths, and his vision of modern methods of construction at a special one-off event in Melbourne, organised.

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Preferred builder Guide

Preferred Builder Guide - A Guide for Residential..

How to position yourself as homeowners preferred and trusted choice.

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CFA volunteers help victims of Victoria's spring floods in 2022.

Reliable help comes flooding in

Residents in communities across Victoria left devasted by floods last spring will have better access to reliable tradies under a partnership.

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Apartment Design Advisory Service now receiving applications

Building designers or developers involved in the early stages of an apartment design can apply to have a free collaborative workshop with the ADAS design advisory team.

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Residential building approvals in regional Victoria remain strong despite...

The recent ABS regional building approvals data for the December 2018 quarter shows that most of regional Victoria outperformed Melbourne in terms of the number...

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Strict lending standards see decline in total loans issued in Victoria

The latest ABS Housing Finance data has revealed a decrease in the number of home loans issued in Victoria for both first home buyers and investors.

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Master Builders’ response to the ABCB Accessible Housing Project’s...

Master Builders does not support the adoption of mandatory minimum standard, instead recommends a voluntary option that recognises the existing Liveable Housing...

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Opportunities for members to participate in the NDIS

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability. Members can become a registered provider with...

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Advertising material for domestic builders: clarification from the VBA

Master Builders has asked for clarification from the VBA on what a ‘written statement’ might be and how far the rules apply. We have now received their Position...

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