Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy

Modern methods of construction international..

Mark Farmer will share insights, truths, and his vision of modern methods of construction at a special one-off event in Melbourne, organised.

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Preferred builder Guide

Preferred Builder Guide - A Guide for Residential..

How to position yourself as homeowners preferred and trusted choice.

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CFA volunteers help victims of Victoria's spring floods in 2022.

Reliable help comes flooding in

Residents in communities across Victoria left devasted by floods last spring will have better access to reliable tradies under a partnership.

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OHS gets your business off to the right start

So you have committed to becoming a registered builder. What’s next? You will need to set up your business, and we are here to help you.

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Member profile: Neil Coulter, mortar life quality builders

It comes as no surprise to readers that builders and tradespeople work in rewarding careers, albeit ones with healthy measures of responsibility, stress and challenge...

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Are you looking after yourself?

Master Builders members can seek assistance from the OHS Unit with any safety-related enquiries they may have. Many members are not aware they can also obtain advice...

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Minister for planning approves latest bushfire-prone areas review

The Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning has announced that Minister for Planning Richard Wynne MP has approved the recommendations for bushfire-prone...

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Turnbull government can enter double dissolution election

The Turnbull government can now call a double dissolution election, with cross-bench senators Lambie, Madigan, Lazarus and Muir joining Labor and the Greens in voting...

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CBUS distances itself from ‘malign’ union influence

Whilst a majority of Senators were unwilling to act in the national interest, Cbus, the $31 billion construction super fund, has moved to dramatically reduce its...

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