Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy

Modern methods of construction international..

Mark Farmer will share insights, truths, and his vision of modern methods of construction at a special one-off event in Melbourne, organised.

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Preferred builder Guide

Preferred Builder Guide - A Guide for Residential..

How to position yourself as homeowners preferred and trusted choice.

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CFA volunteers help victims of Victoria's spring floods in 2022.

Reliable help comes flooding in

Residents in communities across Victoria left devasted by floods last spring will have better access to reliable tradies under a partnership.

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VICSMART – a simpler planning process

From September 2014, a new VicSmart permit assessment process for straightforward, low-impact planning applications will be introduced in all planning schemes across...

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Infrastructure and jobs a priority for state opposition in election lead up

The lead up to the November State Election looks like being a most eventful one for both major sides of politics. Front of mind for those working in the building...

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Proposed changes to domestic building insurance

The State Government’s proposed Building Legislation Amendment Bill foreshadows a number of changes for the building industry in Victoria including changes to...

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Tools to help you achieve a smarter renovation

The renovation market is a growing source of work for many residential builders with Victorians spending $2 billion per year renovating their homes.

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VWA releases new truss erection guidance note

The VWA (formerly known as WorkSafe) have released a new guidance note on Safe erection of roof trusses for the domestic construction sector.

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7 Steps to help you start the new financial year off right

Some experts are predicting a property and economic upturn while others are predicting a downturn. Director of MBA Finance, Harry Pontikis says one thing is for...

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