The state of play for the building and construction industry
As of 6 pm Friday 29 October 2021.

Subject to Chief Health Officer’s Directions being updated and based on Victoria's Roadmap, new requirements for the Building and Construction Industry are:

Workforce capacity: 

  • There are no limits on worker numbers on site other than where work is carried out at a person’s place of residence. However, where work is carried out at an occupied home, there is a limit of a maximum of 10 people per day (provided no one else is visiting or has visited their home).  
  • Density quotients remain.

Workforce movement:

  • From 6pm today (pending further directions) employers should continue to limit workers' movement between worksites where it is reasonably practicable to do so, noting the three site per week limit for “Specialist Contractors” is no longer applicable.  
  • Workers on construction sites may travel between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.  
  • Workers are no longer required to have an authorised worker permit.

COVID Marshals:

  • Attestations for the startup of a building and construction site is no longer a minimum requirement of the site operator.  
  • COVID Marshals are required for all construction sites.  
  • COVID Marshals do not need to be a site manager; any worker can complete the training, including a site supervisor that manages a construction site.   
  • COVID Marshals are responsible for monitoring a worksite’s compliance with its COVIDSafe Plan and additional industry-specific obligations, which includes:   
    - Entry screening (recommended)
    QR code check-in  
    - Maintain 1.5m physical distancing  
    - Personal protective equipment (PPE)  
    Workplace bubbles to be in place where reasonably practical  
    Surveillance testing 
    Density quotient
  • Employers must ensure that COVID Marshals have successfully completed training, including basic infection control awareness training.   
  • A Site Supervisor that manages multiple sites on small-scale construction sites can be the appointed COVID Marshal.  
  • Unless you have a lawful reason to do so, face coverings must always be carried and worn indoors. Pending further directions, they are not required to be worn outdoors, unless physical distancing cannot be maintained, or unless you have a lawful reason not to.  

COVIDSafe Plans: 

Workplaces must have a COVIDSafe Plan which is tailored to your site and must be:  

Click here to access the Construction COVIDSafe Plan.   

  • Compliance with best-practice standards for crib rooms is no longer required. However, it is recommended.   


  • Site operators need to ensure all workers entering a construction site have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine unless they are an excepted person that holds a medical certificate exemption issued by an authorised medical practitioner.  

Remember that all workers entering a construction site must be fully vaccinated by having their second COVID-19 vaccination by 13 November 2021.  

  • Employers of repair and maintenance type workers that are not entering a construction site must ensure their workers have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine unless they are an excepted person that holds a medical certificate exemption issued by an authorised medical practitioner; this includes: 
    - Outdoor maintenance, repairs, and cleaning, including at occupied premises. 
    - Outdoor home installations.
    - Home solar panel installations that involve outdoor work or roof cavities with external access. 
    - Critical repairs to any premises where required for emergency or safety.  

Remember that all workers doing repair and maintenance work must be fully vaccinated by having their second COVID-19 vaccination by 26 November 2021.  

  • Support your workers to get vaccinated – it is our way out of this pandemic. To book an appointment, visit or call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.  
  • Vaccination requirement advice for site operators and employers can be accessed here
  • Vaccination requirements for workers who want to enter a construction site can be accessed here
  • Vaccination Status Register template can be accessed here

Crib rooms/lunchrooms:

  • These facilities are permitted for use. It is recommended that their use achieve best practice standards and be used in shifts for workforce bubbles with a density quotient being compliant. 

What building and maintenance work can occur in occupied premises?  

There are no restrictions on the types of building and maintenance work that can occur in occupied premises.

Renovations may proceed in line with the restrictions that apply to construction sites generally.  

The private gathering limit does not apply to the number of workers permitted in an occupied premises.  

All workers must wear face masks indoors and outdoors, unless a lawful reason not to wear one applies.

All COVIDSafe  practices should be followed, including physical distancing and good hand hygiene. Face masks must be worn indoors and outdoors, unless a lawful reason not to wear one applies. Where possible, windows should be open in occupied premises to allow for ventilation. 


  • Victorian Government Authorised Officers will be conducting inspections to check that construction sites comply with the Chief Health Officer's Directions.   
  • Authorised Officers are permitted on-site and will have evidence confirming their vaccination status (in most cases, a signed letter on official letterhead). 
  • Fines will be issued if non-compliance is found.   
  • If there are persistent or serious breaches, sites will be shut down.  

See here if you wish to read more about fines, enforcement, and reporting.

Display homes, display suites, and sales offices:

From 6pm today (pending further directions) display homes are considered general retail and are permitted to be open in regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne subject to complying with the Chief Health Officer’s Directions.  

Offices for Building and Construction Businesses: 

  • Office workers are permitted to attend the office if they are unable to perform their work from home. Where these workers can work from home, they should continue to do so. Workers to be fully vaccinated if they want to go to work.

Client inspections: 

  • Clients are permitted to attend construction sites to carry out inspections.  
  • The vaccination requirements apply to the construction sector and cover anyone who performs work (paid or unpaid) at a construction site, including:  
    - Volunteers (including trainees or interns) performing work at a construction site
    - An employee of the principal contractor of the construction site    
    - Any contractor engaged by the principal contractor or by a third party (subcontractor)    
    - Clients who visit the site but are not performing work are excepted.   

Chief Health Officer Directions: 

  • Access to the Chief Health Officers Directions can be accessed here.