Reconciliation is critical to MBV, our members, stakeholders, industry, and the broader community. Support for real awareness and reconciliation is at an all-time high, with Australians seeking a more just, equitable, and reconciled society. 

In alignment with MBV's commitment to effectively supporting this, we are currently developing a Reconciliation Action Plan designed to address key issues and challenges, whilst introducing practical strategies and solutions for better outcomes that are vital to our country’s future.

The societal growth in support and awareness is a positive sign, but it is only a starting point. Real change requires real action. To build a more united and reconciled Australia, we must take concrete steps to tackle inequality and racism, acknowledge the facts of history, create stronger relationships between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous Australians, and support their right to self-determination. In line with MBV's vision to “build a better world”, our organisation has a responsibility to lead the change for our industry and make a genuine contribution to advancing reconciliation, both within our industry and beyond. Developing a RAP enables us to formalise our commitment, to set ourselves clear targets and steps, and to measure our progress over time.  

For more information, please contact the MBV team at [email protected]