Topic: AllEventsIndustrial relationsTrainingSustainabilityEconomy/FinanceCommercialHousingOHSPolicy


Winter Special Offer throughout the month of July 2024!

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2024 Homes Victoria Excellence in Social..

Entries for the 2024 Homes Victoria Excellence in Social Procurement Award are now open!

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Modern methods of construction international..

Mark Farmer will share insights, truths, and his vision of modern methods of construction at a special one-off event in Melbourne, organised.

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Inclement weather - summer planning

Guidance on working in heat is available from the WorkSafe website. The Master Builders OHS Unit can also provide assistance on the development and implementation...

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Workplace Christmas parties

With the festive season upon us, it is worth remembering that celebrations in the workplace must be managed properly to ensure the well being of all employees.

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Christmas closedown 2018-2019

The agreed indicative minimum Christmas closedown for those covered by the terms of the CFMEU Pattern EBA 2016-2018 (the EBA) is from 22 December 2018 until 8 January...

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Master Builders will engage new ministers for policy priorities

We urge the new Victorian ministry to heed our key policy priorities to ensure that the building and construction industry – Victoria’s largest full-time employer...

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NCC changes and ABCB orientation seminars in early 2019

The ABCB and Standards Australia will be conducting seminars in Melbourne on 13 and 14 March 2019 on amendments and changes to the latest edition of the NCC.

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Major changes to your financial position

Over the past year, your borrowing capacity has nearly halved, your age has become a hurdle if you are over 45 and your lifestyle may be put under significant stress...

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