Since May 2021, MBV has consistently advocated supply chain issues and their impacts on the building and construction industry.  

MBV has produced briefing documents for government and advocacy purposes, based on feedback from the industry. As a result of this briefing paper, we lobbied the Treasurer, Tim Pallas, and were successful in getting the Commissioner of Better Regulation, Anna Cronin, to investigate supply shortages in Victoria. As part of this investigation, we held a Supply Shortages Forum.  

The Supply Shortages Forum, addressed by Tim Pallas, saw over 50 MBV members attend. MBV generated a report with feedback from the industry. This was also supplied to Anna Cronin’s team for inclusion in their report to the government.  

MBV also hosted four focus groups with over 20 members, to gather information that was used as part of the Commissioner’s report. This report was finalised and went to Government in November, we are currently awaiting this to be publicly released.  

In the meantime, we are speaking with the Department of Treasury and Finance about when this report is to be released and what the priorities might look like for the industry.  

MBV has continued to engage with the Victorian Government and has written letters to Tim Pallas (Treasurer, Minister of Industrial Relations and Economic Development), Danny Pearson (Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Regulatory Reform and Government Services), Richard Wynne (Minister of Housing and Planning), Jaala Pulford (Minister of Small Business, Resources, Employment), and Jacinta Allen (Minister for Transport Infrastructure, Public Transport and Suburban Rail Loop).  

We have also been advocating to Shadow Ministers David Southwick (Shadow Minister of Business Recovery, Jobs and Employment, Small Business and Finance), Ryan Smith (Shadow Minister for Planning and Heritage and Housing) and Nick Wakeling (Shadow Minister of Industrial Relations and Workplace Safety and Trade) as well as Federal Minister for Trade Dan Tehan. 

In addition to this, we have been advocating issues regarding fixed-price contracts and contractual changes with Consumer Affairs and presented our cost escalation clauses to the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria. MBV has also been keeping a watching brief on insolvencies and having regular meetings with the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA) and the VBA.  

At the federal level Master Builders Australia (MBA) has been working on utilising timber from Kangaroo Island, engaging with Dan Tehan Minister for Foreign Trade on securing more timber on the international market, has been having conversations with banks and approached the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

MBA has worked closely with MBV to collect evidence of price increases across materials such as timber, plumbing supplies and steel through indexes and from member responses. MBV’s policy team are also speaking directly to big suppliers and has been connecting regularly with Timber Merchants Australia and AKD Softwoods.  

We have also continued to share our concerns with major media outlets to increase public awareness in support of the industry.  

Supply shortages will continue to be at the forefront of our advocacy and are something we will continue to campaign and work on in the lead up to the 22-23 Victorian State Budget and the upcoming State Election (November 2022). We are looking forward to the release of Anna Cronin’s report to the Government and will be sure to keep our members updated as we discuss the next steps.  


For any further enquires please contact the Policy Team at [email protected]