Basic First techniques can help you cope in an emergency – obtaining your First Aid certificate, and ensuring it is kept current, means you will be a valuable asset in any situation.

If you are able to reduce a person’s pain, minimise the effects of an injury or sudden illness or keep a person breathing, it may mean the difference between life and death. No workplace wants to have to deal with a First Aid incident, big or small.

Whether it be applying a plaster to a nasty paper cut, bandaging Johnny’s ankle after he tripped over that brick or something more serious such as the severed finger disaster at the Warrnambool dairy company in 2013, you want to ensure you, or your employees are adequately able to help out in these situations.

According to Worksafe Vic, there are two options that can be followed in order to comply with First Aid duties and Obligations – the Prescribed Approach, and the Risk Assessment Approach. More information on these two options can be found by reading the Compliance Code – First Aid in the Workplace, by WorkSafe Vic. The Code also provides detail in relation to the number of First Aid Officers required in a workplace. As construction sites are ‘higher risk workplaces’ (as defined in the Code) the expectation is FOR at least one first aid officer for up to 25 employees. 

Master Builders recommends builders or site foremen in residential construction have a Level 2 First Aidqualification. As sub-contractors working on domestic construction sites are employers in their own right, they should also ensure that they provide adequate First Aid training and facilities for their employees.

Both of these options require First Aid officers in workplaces to have a minimum level of training of the senior first aid certificate, also referred to as Level 2 in First Aid. This certificate is valid for three years, and officers need to do a refresher before this expires, to avoid it lapsing and therefore, not being qualified. The refresher course is also an opportunity to brush up on your First Aid skills, to ensure you can confidently and effectively assist in an emergency situation.

Master Builders can provide you with the necessary training to gain your Level 2 First Aid certificate, as well as providing Re-accreditation courses. Visit our training website for further information