One of the most important things to any company is getting paid on time
The life of a building contractor and subcontractor means that often, payments to you arrive late or not at all despite the hours of labour and money outlaid to complete a job.
That’s why Master Builders will be holding a special seminar to help you know all the practical tips and tricks required to get paid on time, utilising Victoria’s Security of Payment laws.
Master Builders Solicitor Manager Angelo Simonetto said that many contractors and subcontractors were either unaware of the Security of Payments Act or had a complete lack of understand of how it could help them.
“This is a process that works and can get you paid quickly, compared to going through the courts and tribunal,” Mr Simonetto said.
“This seminar will help you know more options available to help you to receive prompt payment.”
This seminar will be is simple, easy to understand language that you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand.
The three main issues to be discussed at the seminar will be:
• Payment claims;
• Payment schedules; and
• Adjudication.
“In the seven years I’ve been at Master Builders, payment has always been an issue,” Mr Simonetto said.
“At this seminar, you can expect to be told how to make a payment claim, how to make a payment schedule and how to instigate the adjudication process.”
There will also be time for you to have your questions answered.
All contractors and subcontractors are encouraged to attend.
How to get paid using the Security of Payments Act 2002 will be held on Thursday 20 March from 5.30 to 6.30pm at the Master Builders office, 332 Albert Street East Melbourne. Cost: $30 for members or $100 for non-members.
Click here to book now.
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