Master Builders attended a Small Business Roundtable convened by the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) and the Australian Small Business Commissioner (ASBC) on 18 November. The forum provided an opportunity for Master Builders to engage directly with FWO, ASBC and other stakeholders on strategies to reduce the regulatory ‘red tape’ burden on small business members. The comprehensive agenda included discussions on ways to better reach/communicate with non-affiliated small businesses, how to avoid regulatory duplication and the growing focus of FWO on alternative dispute resolution.

As part of a new national campaign commenced by the Fair Work Ombudsman, hundreds of construction businesses will come under scrutiny as the FWO makes certain that employers are paying the correct minimum hourly rates, penalty and overtime rates and allowances. Compliance with record-keeping and pay slip obligations and other workplace laws will also be monitored. Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman (Operations) Michael Campbell advised Master Builders that the FWO hopes the campaign will help improve compliance and drive behavioural change.

Up to 700 businesses in every capital city and selected regional areas have been earmarked for auditing, with some site visits planned.  Any member receiving correspondence from FWO is advised to contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560 for further advice and assistance. More information on the campaign can also be found on the FWO website.