If you were witness to a serious accident right now, would you know what to do to save a life?

First aid training enables effective and immediate care to be administered to a person who is injured or suddenly becomes ill. It also enables trained and competent persons to make prompt decisions when the need for treatment greater than first aid is required. This is when an organisation’s emergency procedures are enacted and the emergency authorities are typically contacted.

First aid forms an essential part of your organisation’s emergency response plans, particularly in the construction industry where there can be increased risks when compared to an office environment.

There are many benefits of first aid, including:

  • saving a life (in the case of seriously injured or ill persons)
  • reducing the chance of permanent damage (for example, prompt flushing of the eyes with water after a chemical splash)
  • minimising the duration and extent of any subsequent medical treatment
  • reducing time lost from work.

In addition to learning the required skills and knowledge to effectively respond to injuries and illnesses, first aid courses also enhance awareness of different types of injuries that can occur, which can help an organisations to identify hazards proactively.

Don’t wait for an accident to happen to find out how prepared or ill-prepared you may be to deal with it.

Master Builders Association Victoria delivers First Aid Level 2Level 3 and Refresher courses (all including CPR) every fortnight. For information on dates, locations and course fees and enrolment forms, visit our website by clicking here.

For more information, please contact us on (03) 9411 4555.