Plans to build three new skyscrapers in Melbourne’s CBD will generate 5800 construction jobs.

The $830 million investment will see the construction of 2022 apartments and Australia’s first 100 storey building, Australia 108.

The news follows the recent announcement of a surge in home building approvals in April.

Planning Minister Matthew Guy said the new buildings at Elizabeth Street, Queensbridge Street and Southbank Boulevard, would provide homes for 4000 people.

“Importantly, central Melbourne is the right place for high density, high rise living,” Mr Guy said.

“Melbourne is the most liveable city and these buildings will cater for those choosing to live in our exciting, vibrant CBD area, which is fast on track to being the first truly 24 hour city centre in Australia.”

The newly approved buildings will consist of a combination of residential, retail and hospitality space. The most striking of the three, Australia 108, will be 319 metres above ground and include 1105 apartments.

Mr Guy said the approval of the new buildings was further evidence of the Victorian Government’s commitment to the state’s building industry.

“Victoria has the strongest construction sector in Australian, and our planning system is geared towards maintaining this economic advantage,” Mr Guy said.

Master Builders Association of Victoria CEO, Radley de Silva, welcomed the approvals as a win for the industry.

“Any building project that generates jobs in construction is positive move for our industry,” Mr de Silva said.

“It is good to see approval of a range of housing options for Victorians, providing choice for those wanting to live in the CBD, he said.

“Our members are ready to get on with the job of building and will be heartened to see the speed with which these projects have been approved.”

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