If you currently build commercial structures directly for a client in Victoria, you are probably aware that you must be registered.  Alternatively, if you are primarily a domestic builder but considering diversifying into more commercial works, you need to be aware of changes that may affect you.

The process of applying for registration for the Commercial Builder Limited (CB-L) Low Rise and Medium Rise classes is about to change.

Broadly, the CB-L Low Rise registration enables a builder to carry out construction work up to 15 metres in height, plus excavations up to three metres and cellars and basements to 2.5 metres, and all works associated with the building.

CB-L Medium Rise is not widely promoted by the VBA and limits works in a similar manner, allowing a builder to carry out works up to 25 metres in height.

More detail about these classes of registration is available from the Victorian Building Authority (VBA).

Currently, the application process involves forwarding required information and supporting documents to the BPB, then sitting a face-to-face interview.

As from July 1 this year those applying for a CB-L Low Rise or CB-L Medium Rise will also be required to sit a computer test and achieve a 70 per cent pass mark, before progressing to the interview stage.

This process is more in line with that for a Domestic Builder Unlimited (DB-U) or Manager (DB-M) registration, and some Limited classes (DB-L), which currently includes an application, computer test and interview.

Don’t let this change put you off applying for your commercial registration. Just make sure you’re well prepared and have the skills and knowledge required.

Master Builders is now offering workshops for members interested specifically in applying for commercial builder registration.

Book into our workshop on 6 July and find out more detail about the classes of registration, application process and further assistance available from Master Builders. The next workshop will be held 3rd August.

Call our Builder Registration team on (03) 9411 4555 to find out more about the workshops and how we can help you to reach your goal of becoming registered as a commercial builder.