In addition to its inspectors visiting workplaces every day to make them safer, one of the most important things that WorkSafe Victoria does is to provide funding to support small businesses with free OHS advice.

WorkSafe has funded the OHS Essentials Program, originally referred to as the Small Business Program, since 2002. The Master Builders OHS Unit has delivered more than 1400 consultancies under the program since its inception.

The service, which is available to businesses with fewer than 20 employees and a WorkCover insurance policy, is provided by industry associations and a panel of consultants that are approved by WorkSafe.

John-DarcyI have personally delivered more than 850 consultancies in my nearly nine years with the Master Builders OHS Unit and for four-and-a-half years prior with another industry association (VACC). In that time I have become passionate about small business, and I recognise that managing OHS can present a significant challenge for small business. Some of the key learnings I have gained over the last thirteen and a half years include:


  • The three hours of free OHS advice that WorkSafe funds may be as much ‘OHS training/knowledge’ as a small business owner may ever get. Whilst we recommend Certificate III OHS training during the consultancy (also a pre-requisite for commercial registration) many small business owners may in fact never find the time to attend six days of OHS training.
  • The amount of information provided during a consultation can be overwhelming (i.e. information overload), but it is necessary. The construction industry is a regulated industry and small business owners need to know the detail of the laws that apply to them.
  • Businesses need resources to help them to manage their business. Master Builders advice is accompanied by an easy-to-follow handbook and action plan which is structured to be consistent with the advice given. The handbook and a range of OHS resources are provided to the business on a USB stick, free of charge.

When we deliver this service we discuss issues such as OHS policies and procedures, legal duties (especially SWMS), subcontractor management, incident notification and the powers and functions of WorkSafe inspectors.

I have seen small businesses that have implemented all of the advice we have provided during a consultancy. One of the benefits for a small business in having their industry association provide the service is that the business’ owner continues to have the association available for further contact and support. I have seen a small builder who started his journey on improving OHS in his business go on to achieve federal government accreditation of his OHS system,  enabling him to tender for Commonwealth-funded projects.

I have also seen some small businesses that have implemented only parts of the advice we have given, or tailored the advice, to suit their capabilities and size. We would love all businesses to implement every bit of advice we provide but even businesses that implement just one-tenth of the advice we provide do well in that they improve on where they started.

Last year, WorkSafe in an exceptional move, decided to make their service available again, after three years, to businesses that had previously received the service. Some members have, in the past paid, the OHS Unit to receive the advice a second time. Sometimes it helps to hear the advice more than once.

Over the years I have seen a number of serious incidents and fatalities in the industry and I have helped a number of small businesses after these events. I know that I would much rather provide the advice and support that is available ahead of time than to have to deal with members in these situations.

The service provides up to three hours of free OHS advice, which we deliver in members’ homes or offices.  The service is also available to members (and non-members) across Victoria, irrespective of the location.

I am proud of the service that the OHS Unit provides through the OHS Essentials Program and I am very grateful to WorkSafe for their continued funding of the program.

Members who are interested in the service can contact the OHS Unit on (03) 9411 4569.