The announcement on 15 April by the Andrews Government that it had reached agreement with the East West Link consortium should now make it possible for the Government to focus on investment in major infrastructure projects for the future of Victoria.

“We are pleased to see evidence of the parties having worked together to reach an agreement and achieve clarity on this matter, and taking a non-legislative approach,” Master Builders CEO Radley de Silva said.

Master Builders had long supported the construction of East West Link as important to the health of our industry and the state, but now that the project has been officially terminated by the Andrews Government, substantial progress must be made on creating a pipeline of significant infrastructure works.

“The Government and our industry can now shift their focus to the urgent matters clamouring for attention– infrastructure projects critical to the economic health of the State, and the people of Victoria,” Mr de Silva said.

“The cancellation of the East West Link project happened as engineering construction works hit a five-year low, even as the demand for the amenities they provide is growing,” he said. “This highlights the need for the Government to identify infrastructure priorities for Victoria and to appoint an independent authority to ensure certainty for investment in those projects.”

Metro rail works and repairs to Flinders Street Station are helpful, and we need to see further commitment to road improvements, hospitals, aged care facilities and other infrastructure works to accommodate our growing region and ensure that Victoria continues to attract investment and support a high standard of living,” Mr de Silva said.