Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) are a central component of any worksite’s occupational health and safety (OHS) system. Still, many builders and contractors could better understand and implement them on site. That’s why Master Builders, WorkSafe and CodeSafe have been working together to develop some tools for helping builders and contractors learn more about SWMS.

Master Builders, in cooperation with WorkSafe, CodeSafe, and Victorian Volume Home Builders Safety Alliance have now developed a website, Safe Work Procedures: Videos and Templates, which provides a set of easy-to-understand visual guidelines including links to instructional videos and downloadable SWMS documents for preparing Safe Work Method Statements for a broad variety of scenarios. They can be viewed on your computer, with smart phones and tablets, or via the CodeSafe app.

The procedures demonstrated in these guidelines were developed by undertaking an appraisal of safe systems of work for each topic, consulting with workers who regularly undertake these tasks and refining these processes for demonstration.

Key objectives for the development of this tool were to enhance compliance and safety standards in the housing industry, reinvigorate conversations about safety and promote appropriate consultation in the commercial and civil construction sectors. The website helps to overcome barriers to understanding important safety information by offering easily accessed visual demonstrations and templates for Safe Work Method Statements.

Click here to visit the website.

Master Builders thanks WorkSafe Victoria for their commitment to continuously improving safety standards in the building and construction industry, and for funding this important initiative through the WorkSafe Prevention Fund. Master Builders also wishes to thank CodeSafe Solutions for its instrumental support of the delivery of this project, and the members of the Victorian Volume Home Builders Safety Alliance for making their sites available for the production of the videos.

For further information contact the Master Builders OHS Department on (03) 9411 4555.
