Members will recall that changes to Building Code 2013 requiring contractors to have a comprehensive policy for managing drug and alcohol issues in the workplace commence from 16 October 2015.

The new requirements are modelled on those that previously applied under the Victorian Construction Code, with Fair Work Building and Construction (FWBC) responsible for monitoring compliance with Building Code.

On 13 October FWBC announced that they will have a three-stage approach to auditing the drug and alcohol testing requirements.

From commencement of the new requirements, FWBC will focus on assisting industry through education, providing information and helping contractors to understand the implications of the policy.

In the second stage, FWBC will conduct audits with a view to providing feedback on their compliance with the requirements and assisting them with voluntary rectification to achieve compliance.

In the third stage, which will not commence until after 1 February 2016, FWBC will conduct audits with the usual processes to apply if compliance and rectification are not achieved.

Contractors are encouraged to utilise this time to ensure that they have implemented a compliant drug and alcohol testing policy, following consultation with employees, before 1 February 2016.

Whilst the responsibility for implementation rests with the head contractor under the Building Code, it is important for subcontractors to ensure that they have implemented their own policies that complement these new requirements.

For those members without a current drug and alcohol testing policy, Master Builders recommends the following template as a good starting point.

Members seeking further information are encouraged to contact the OHS Unit on (03) 9411 4555, or FWBC on 1800 003 338.