“Today’s announcement by the Victorian Government of 42 new schools and upgrades in a $1.8 billion investment through the newly formed Victorian School Building Authority is a helpful step toward filling a pipeline of critical infrastructure projects for the state,” Lawrie Cross, Acting CEO of Master Builders Association of Victoria, said.

With Victoria growing at the fastest rate in the country, the need for schools and other infrastructure, such as aged care centres and transportation networks, has never been greater,” Mr Cross said.

“Building and upgrading these schools stands to create 4000 construction jobs, in a sector that represents Victoria’s second-largest full-time workforce,” he said.

“90,000 students will stream into our school system over the next five years, and we need to invest heavily in providing educational facilities to keep Victoria a great place to live and do business.

The announcement comes at a time when construction EBA wages remain unresolved in the face of high-pressure tactics and misinformation campaigns by the construction union, potentially depriving the state of millions of dollars for projects such as these schools and upgrades.

“For example, the combined impact of continued 5 per cent wage increases means an increased cost of $806 million to deliver government infrastructure over the next four years,” Mr Cross said. Referring to recently updated research compiled by Deloitte Access Economics, “This would be a lost opportunity for Victorians for ten schools and three hospitals,” he said.

“The 42 new government schools announced illustrate precisely why construction wages must be kept at sustainable levels. When the unions coerce construction companies into outrageous and irresponsible wage outcomes, everyone suffers, including Victorian children and their families,” Mr Cross said.