Members will recall that in an important recent decision Fair Work Commission (FWC) Vice President Graeme Watson has imposed restrictions on all right of entry permits held by CFMEU officials in Victoria (and Queensland). In addition, Vice President Watson suspended a number of CFMEU officials’ right of entry permits, including Victorian officials Steve Long and Rob Graauwmans for 12 and 6 months respectively.

Members should note that VP Watson’s decision has subsequently been appealed by the CFMEU, with FWC Vice President Catanzariti issuing a decision staying key parts of the decision pending the appeal. It therefore effectively puts on hold the effect of the earlier VP Watson decision relating to CFMEU Victoria permit conditions. The matter has been set down for both permission to appeal, and the appeal, on 11 May 2016.

Master Builders has updated its Right of Entry permit holder list accordingly. Members seeking further information on right of entry requirements are also encouraged to contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560.