A recent member survey conducted by MBA ACT has found that more than seven in 10 bosses within the construction sector in the Australian Capital Territory are being subject to bullying and intimidation from union officials.  According to the survey:

  • More than four in 10 (41 per cent) of respondents had been subject to physical intimidation, while more than seven in 10 (71.8 per cent) had been verbally intimidated
  • Almost six in 10 (58.4 per cent) had received threats from the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) about being excluded from the market if they did not agree to pattern enterprise agreements (which require payments to CFMEU associated entities)
  • Three per cent had been asked to make ‘donations’ to the CFMEU or related business entities in exchange for industrial peace
  • Seven per cent say they had been asked for outright bribes.

Master Builders ACT Executive Director Kirk Coningham said the central threat revolved around companies being excluded from the industry if they failed to meet union demands.

Coningham said the presence of the Royal Commission in Canberra had given builders and those whom they employ confidence to speak out – a fact he said had been demonstrated when around 50 workers stood outside union offices on July 3 and tore up their membership.

“Builders and sub-contractors in Canberra are finding the courage to stand up against the intimidation and bullying that has become a sad fact of life on building sites in the Territory,” he said. “There is no place for bullying and intimidation anywhere in our society. We are now seeing fear being replaced with courage as construction workers reclaim control of their businesses and livelihoods in our city.”