Carpentry apprentice Charles McKenna from Tocumwal was named the Master Builders North East Section Apprentice of the Year at Raffety’s restaurant in Benalla last night.

Charles was among three apprentices from the North East region to be awarded for their dedication, skill and hard work.

The other two winners on the night were Employer-Nominated winner Michael Miller from Alexandria and Chairman’s Award winner Eyup Baba from Kialla.

Master Builders’ Careers Officer Kathleen Peachey said that this year’s nominees showed great determination and commitment to building their careers.

“Charles has a strong drive to succeed,” Ms Peachey said. “He worked tirelessly to build his own home while simultaneously pursuing his apprenticeship.”

“Charles has already commenced work on earning his Diploma of Building and Construction and is building momentum toward becoming a registered builder,” she said.

Employer-nominated winner Michael was driven to his trade early in life, having discovered an interest in painting and decorating at the age of 15.

“Michael commenced his apprenticeship at a mature age, and told us he felt this contributed to his sense of commitment and gratitude toward his employer, Hedger Constructions,” Ms Peachey said.

“Plastering apprentice Eyup has represented Victoria in national competitions of his trade, and looks forward to running his own business in the future,” Peachey said. “He is a loyal and conscientious worker who thrives in a team environment, and has never missed a day of work.”

Master Builders Chief Executive Officer Radley de Silva emphasised that apprentices are essential to Victoria’s building industry.

“We need a skilled workforce in the building and construction industry that will continue to provide the homes and infrastructure Victoria needs.

“Apprentices help to build our communities,” Mr de Silva said. “Acknowledging their hard work and dedication encourages apprentices across Victoria to continue their career path to achieve better and greater things in our industry.”

Regional winners are selected after an interview with a panel of three judges. Once awarded, they will be invited to attend the State Apprentice of the Year Awards on 12 May in Melbourne where the overall winners will be announced.