Tonight in the Member Lounge, Master Builders Association of Victoria CEO Radley de Silva and President Melanie Fasham honoured a gathering of distinguished long-term members, recognizing their enduring dedication and partnership with the association. President Fasham presented plaques to each of the honourees commemorating 30, 40 and 60 years of membership.

We extend our warm congratulations and appreciation to the following members:

30 years

• Dante Constructions Pty Ltd – Dante Mazzitelli
• Harvest Building Co Pty Ltd – Anthony Biggs
• J D Aspen Developments Pty Ltd – Des Ryan
• Jocken Builders Pty Ltd – William Joughin
• Keon Constructions – Terry Keon
• P J & D M Owens – Patrick Owens
• R E Jones – Rod Jones
• Tonykon Constructions Pty Ltd – Angelo Kioumourtzis

40 years

• Campi Property Services Pty Ltd – Simon Campi

60 years

• S W & J Gardiner & Sons Pty Ltd – Robert Gardiner