Victorian Government gives Red Card to building and construction industry

Master Builders Victoria (MBV) has successfully advocated to the Victorian Government to amend the application process for its Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction grants ensuring hundreds more building and construction businesses can access the grant.

The Victorian Government’s Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction provides one-off payments to eligible employing and non-employing businesses in the building and construction sector that were operating in the following local government areas at the time of restrictions:


Australia’s leading property, construction and building, housing and development industry groups have called on Victorian MPs to oppose the Andrews Government’s 19th new or increased property tax when it goes before State Parliament this week.

The Property Council of Australia, Housing Industry Association, Urban Development Institute of Australia (Victoria) and Master Builders Victoria have joined forces to oppose the Windfall Gains Tax.

360 Victorian building and construction insolvencies in the 12 months to August 2021

Master Builders Victoria analysis of Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) insolvency figures shows that 19 Victorian building and construction companies entered external administration in August 2021.

The figures show there were 360 building and construction insolvencies recorded in Victoria for the 12 months to August 2021, four less than NSW, which recorded a nationwide high of 364 insolvencies.

Master Builders Victoria welcomes the full return of building and construction

Master Builders Victoria (MBV) has welcomed the full return of building and construction in Victoria later this week as the Victorian community moves towards the 70 per cent vaccination target.

MBV CEO Rebecca Casson said today’s announcement from the Victorian Government was terrific news for the building and construction industry, particularly for MBV’s small-scale construction and renovation members.

Master Builders Victoria welcomes the return of indoor renovation work

Master Builders Victoria (MBV) has welcomed the announcement from the Victorian Government that the renovation sector is permitted to return to work inside occupied premises once 70 per cent of Victorians are fully vaccinated.

As the industry-leading body for building and construction in Victoria, MBV has continued to strongly advocate to the Victorian Government over the plight of its renovation members.

Master Builders Victoria calls for the immediate return of indoor renovations work

Master Builders Victoria (MBV) has called for the renovation sector to be immediately permitted to return to work inside occupied premises, or at the very minimum, return when 70 per cent of Victorians are fully vaccinated.

As the industry-leading body for building and construction in Victoria, MBV has been strongly advocating to the Victorian Government in recent weeks over the plight of the renovation sector, which is still not permitted to work inside occupied premises.

Master Builders Victoria concerned that the new Victorian Homebuyer Fund fails to address concerns surrounding housing affordability

Master Builders Victoria (MBV) welcomes the Victorian Government’s recently launched Victorian Homebuyer Fund (VHF) to support more Victorians to buy their own home.

However, MBV is concerned that the fund does not address increasing concerns surrounding housing affordability.

The Victorian Government says the $500 million fund will assist up to 3,000 Victorians to become homeowners.

Appointment of Rebecca Casson to the Victorian Skills Authority Advisory Board

The Victorian Government has appointed Master Builders Victoria CEO Rebecca Casson as one of the inaugural members of its newly formed Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) Advisory Board.

The VSA was established in July 2021 and is a key response to the recommendations in Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy, led by former Federal Minister Jenny Macklin. The Authority will lead a revitalised approach to skills and training through the development of an annual Victorian Skills Plan to better guide the State’s training delivery.


The Andrews Government’s latest proposed property tax will exacerbate Victoria’s housing affordability crisis and make home ownership even more difficult for many Victorian families, according to Australia’s leading industry groups.

The Property Council of Australia, Housing Industry Association, Urban Development Institute of Australia (Victoria) and Master Builders Victoria have joined forces to oppose the Windfall Gains Tax which was introduced to the Victorian Parliament today.

Statement regarding early learnings on new COVID-19 protocols and procedures in building and construction industry

The building and construction industry has enjoyed a strong return to work, with the overwhelming majority of builders and tradespeople doing the right thing and workers showing a willingness to get vaccinated and abide by new health directions.

Nevertheless, the newly introduced COVID-19 protocols and procedures for the sector are still in their infancy, and a gap has been identified related to maintenance and service workers transiting through building and construction worksites.


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