Master Builders Victoria, CFMEU, and Incolink encourage its members to make an informed decision on COVID-19 vaccine

Master Builders Victoria, the CFMEU VIC/TAS Branch, and Incolink have committed to encouraging their members to make an informed decision on the COVID-19 vaccine.

They have called on the state and federal government to maintain a sense of urgency and proactively educate and inform Victorians about the vaccine.

Rebecca Casson, CEO of Master Builders Victoria, said the coalition of building and construction groups, established at the start of the pandemic had commissioned research to understand the industry’s COVID-19 vaccine perceptions and what information they required.

Master Builders Victoria urges displaced Victorian JobKeeper workers to consider a new career in building and construction

With tens of thousands of Victorians expected to lose their jobs after the withdrawal of the Federal Government’s JobKeeper scheme, Master Builders Victoria (MBV) is urging Victorians to potentially consider a new career in building and construction, at a time when the industry is desperately short of tradespeople.

The $90 billion JobKeeper scheme which had been a financial lifeline for many businesses, officially ended on Sunday 28 March 2021, with Federal Treasury speculating that up to 150,000 jobs could now be lost across Australia.

Master Builders working with Federal Government to unlock solutions on impact of HomeBuilder’s surging demands 

Victoria’s building and construction industry is currently enjoying a huge boom in activity thanks to the introduction of the HomeBuilder grant scheme, but according to Master Builders Victoria (MBV), that boom is creating significant supply chain issues which are threatening the scheme’s undeniable success.

According to MBV CEO, Rebecca Casson almost 80 per cent of Victorian building and construction businesses are currently experiencing significant delays in being able to secure concreters, joiners and bricklayers. 

Victoria to further relax COVIDSafe settings

Victoria will relax its COVIDSafe restriction, allowing for more visitors in the home, reduced mask wearing and an increase in the number of people allowed in live music venues and other settings.

From 6pm on Friday 26 March, masks will no longer be required in retail settings but Victorians will still need to carry one with them at all times and wear it on public transport, in rideshare vehicles and taxis and in sensitive settings such as aged care facilities and hospitals.


MBV proposes Liquidated Damages Solution

Today Master Builders Victoria has published a ‘COVID-19 Contracting Framework’ document, providing an industry-wide plan to deal with the issue of liquidated damages. 

While we have not had members report any legal issues thus far regarding liquidated damages claims, it is something that has been in the mind of many members since we were forced to reduce numbers on worksites last year. There has not been a definitive statement from government on this issue, so this is a concept we are providing to them as a solution.



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