About 150 trainees and apprentices will form part of the 3,700 strong workforce on the East West Link.

Premier Denis Napthine joined Treasurer Michael O’Brien and Roads Minister Terry Mulder at the Master Builders Building Leadership Simulation Centre to announce the key role apprentices would play in the project. The requirements to hire a minimum number of apprentices forms part of the East West Connect jobs program.

“Not only will East West Link improve the daily lives of people from a transport perspective, it will also provide people with new life skills that they can carry on to future projects,” Dr Napthine said.

Master Builders CEO, Radley de Silva, supported the apprenticeships announcement as a positive step for up skilling young, local trade apprentices.

“Any project that creates jobs for young, Victorian tradespeople is good for the building industry and good for the Victorian economy,” Mr de Silva said.

“Through our ALink program for apprentices, Master Builders has been working hard to guide young tradespeople towards successful careers but all the guidance in the world is useless without apprenticeships actually being available.

“The East West Link project will go a long way towards creating opportunities for both apprentices and the building industry as a whole.”

East West Connect has also formed a partnership with the University of Melbourne Faculty of Engineering to inspire future engineers. Funding has been provided for four PhD applied research scholarships, opportunities for work experience, guest speakers and site visits.

The government this month reached financial agreement with East West Connect to construct the $6.8 billion eastern section of the East West Link project.

Equity in the project will be provided by East West Connect consortium members Capella Capital, Lend Lease, Bouygues, Acciona, John Laing and QIC.

The financial close marks the commencement of the contract awarded to East West Connect by the Coalition Government to finance, design, construct, operate and maintain East West Link for 30 years.

The Federal Government has contributed $1.5 billion to the eastern section of the East West Link.

Construction will begin later this year with the project due for completion in 2019.

A jobs portal will be established for the project where you can express interest in gaining employment on the East West Link project.

Visit www.linkingmelbourne.vic.gov.au for more information and updates.