Employee engagement is the emotional commitment we have with our organisation and its goals. Engaged workers care about their work and their organisation. When workers care about what they’re doing, they’re engaged.

According to a 2011-2012 Gallup study, employee engagement has dropped to alarming levels in Australia and New Zealand. Research concluded only 24 per cent of employees actually feel engaged with their work whilst 16 per cent are actively disengaged and a whopping 60 per cent are not engaged at all.

So how do we engage our employees? The study found that an employee’s perception of their primary manager is the single most influential factor, accounting for approximately 70 per cent of an employee’s sense of engagement.

The construction industry in particular is a dynamic and challenging environment that can test a person’s management skills to the limit. A number of roles require a high degree of qualification and technical knowledge, but if they are not combined with interpersonal skills and leadership qualities, employee engagement will decline.

How well are you doing?

Below are some fundamental employee engagement measures that high-performing and achieving organisations execute well. How well does your organisation engage with its workers?

Define engagement

Understand what employee engagement means to your company.

Clarify the vision

Ensure employees are aware of and understand the vision and goals of the organisation and their part in fulfilling them.

Clarify expectations

Clearly state expectations for employee results and behaviours and hold them accountable for their achievement.


Communicate openly and honestly with your employees, whether providing good news or bad.  Good communication skills will help minimise conflict and also assist with problem solving.

Involve the employees

When you are facing tough decisions or experiencing operational challenges, ask for their ideas and input. Allowing a workforce to actively contribute to decisions and respond to challenges will empower them and increase engagement levels.

Acknowledge and recognise

Let employees know their contributions are appreciated. Even a verbal “well done” or thank you in front of the team shows appreciation.

Understand the leaders’ roles

There is a direct correlation between the leaders’ behaviours and the level of engagement within the company. Leaders must demonstrate the same traits and behaviours that are expected of employees. Leaders who are open and honest in communications, are focused on employee well-being, demonstrate positive support for the organisation and serve as a role model for engagement have a positive impact on the overall morale within the employee ranks.

The BLSC specialises in helping leaders understand the techniques to engage, influence and empower their workforce through the foundation of learning programs delivered by the Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC).

For further information on BLSC course information please call (03) 9411 8000 or visit www.blsc.com.au