The Victorian Government last week opened the expressions of interest (EoI) process for the massive E-Gate redevelopment project.

The project will transform 20 hectares of an underutilised rail yards site into a modern, world class mixed use community featuring residential, retail and commercial opportunities. Around 10,000 residents are expected to eventually call the precinct home.

The opening of EoIs for E-Gate comes just weeks after the government also opened the door for the building and construction industry at Federation Square East.

E-Gate is located less than a kilometre from the edge of Melbourne’s CBD and is expected to generate up to $4 billion worth of investment. It is also expected to create more than 5000 construction jobs over the next 25 years.

“The project is a 20 year plan to deliver a new, integrated community close to jobs and transport, with new parklands and all the things that make life in Melbourne great,” said Deputy Premier, Peter Ryan.

“E-Gate is one of the Napthine Government’s priority economic development projects in the Footscray to Richmond rail corridor that will transform Melbourne by unlocking underutilised land and expanding the central city.”

Victoria’s Major Projects Minister, David Hodgett, described the project as a “once in a lifetime opportunity”.

“The Napthine Government wants to harness the innovation and creativity of the private sector for ideas to develop the E-Gate site with the maximum benefit for the community and Melbourne,” Mr Hodgett said.

More information and EoI documents for the project are available via Major Projects Victoria.

Expressions of interest close on 19 February 2015.

Hear more about the major projects you can work on

Major Projects Minister David Hodgett will brief industry on the next wave of government infrastructure projects at Master Builders’ next Industry Breakfast. This briefing will be taking place just two weeks before Victorians head to the ballot box, so make sure you don’t miss it.

Date:           Thursday 13 November 2014

Venue:       Olympic Room, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Time:          From 7am

Cost:            $70 for members / $90 for non-members

Call us on (03) 9411 4555 to book your seat, fax us a booking form or book online.