The Fair Work Ombudsman periodically undertakes campaigns to investigate compliance by employers with the terms and conditions of apprentices whom they employ.

As the end of financial year approaches, members should be aware that the FWO engages regularly in compliance audits and campaigns.

The FWO makes certain that employers are paying the correct minimum hourly rates, penalty and overtime rates and allowances. Compliance with record-keeping and pay slip obligations and other workplace laws will also be monitored. During a previous campaign, Deputy Fair Work Ombudsman (Operations) Michael Campbell advised Master Builders that the FWO hopes the campaign will help improve compliance and drive behavioural change.

Remember that the Master Builders’ Industrial Relations Department is a member’s first port of call should they receive any correspondence from the Fair Work Ombudsman. Contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560 for further advice and assistance. More information on the campaign can also be found on the FWO website.