The Victorian Government has announced that from 8 October 2014, the new Victorian Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry 2014 (Victorian Code) will take effect, replacing the current Victorian Code and Implementation Guidelines.

The Victorian Code retains the key features of the current Implementation Guidelines (including mandated onsite drug and alcohol testing and site security measures), strengthens right of entry requirements and addresses the important issue of secondary boycotts. The Victorian Government has produced updated fact sheets to assist contractors with the changes.

The new Victorian Code provides greater clarity for those tendering for state government work, including for example the circumstances where a Workplace Relations Management Plan (WRMP) is required. Under the Victorian Code, a WRMP will apply to public building and construction work where the total value of the construction project is $10 million or more, regardless of funding source.

The new Victorian Code also provides greater consistency with the proposed federal Building Code, including in relation to workplace arrangements and other related matters.

It provides important detail on workplace conduct, agreements, arrangements, practices and procedures that will not be in compliance with the new Victorian Code where engaged in or entered into from 8 October 2014. Workplace arrangements entered into and conduct undertaken prior to the commencement of the new Victorian Code will be monitored under the current Implementation Guidelines

Having reviewed the new agreement content provisions, it is Master Builders’ view that the CFMEU Building and Construction Industry Enterprise Agreement 2011-2015 (Industry EBA 2011-2015) contains a number of provisions that are inconsistent with the new Victorian Code where that agreement is entered into on or after 8 October 2014.

Master Builders strongly supports the Napthine Government’s continued efforts to deliver on its commitment to law-abiding, safe and productive construction projects.

With an election just around the corner, Master Builders calls on all political and industry parties to get behind these reforms and stand up for a strong, healthy construction sector.

Please contact the Master Builders Industrial Relations Department on (03) 9411 4560 should you need any further information.

Update: 13 October 2014

The State Opposition has pledged to tear up the Coalition’s new construction code in a move that has been labelled as disappointing by Master Builders.

“Labor’s promise to rip up the construction code is like waving a great big MCG-sized white flag to the building unions,” Master Builders Chief Executive, Radley de Silva, told the Herald Sun.

“It is a disappointing move that Victorians will pay for when construction costs for roads, schools and hospitals rise as a result.”