The Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) recently published an article in the fortnightly Safety Soapbox newsletter to confirm what employers should expect when receiving Entry Reports and Improvement or Prohibition Notices from VWA Inspectors.

Of particular importance was the VWA’s acknowledgement that previously issued reports and notices in determination of appropriate risk controls at another workplace should only be used in the context and knowledge that the original documents were issued by an individual inspector based on their observations at a specific workplace, and the proposed work activities at that original workplace.

In the article the VWA confirmed that risk controls considered by an inspector to be ‘reasonably practicable’ in respect of a set of circumstances at one workplace may not be applicable at another workplace.

The article was produced following a number of incidents where union officials were entering workplaces armed with copies of Entry Reports and Notices that were issued at other workplaces and suggesting to the employer that they would have to do what the union officials told them or otherwise the officials would call the VWA to have an Inspector issue the same Notices.

Members are reminded that they can seek assistance from either the Industrial Relations Department or the OHS Unit by contacting (03) 9411 4555 with any safety issues related to union officials or VWA Inspectors entering their sites.