The Victorian Government has announced a 2 per cent cut in employers’ WorkCover premiums.

The average WorkCover premium for Victorian Employers will be cut from 1.292 per cent now to 1.272 per cent on 1 July 2014.

For the first time, employers will also be able to obtain an additional premium discount of 5 per cent if they pay their annual premium by 1 August 2014.

The announcement comes on the back of the VWA announcing its half yearly results, which have been achieved on the back of a record low injury rate.

New workers compensation Act comes into effect

The Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (the WIRC Act) will become operational on 1 July 2014.

The WIRC Act will apply to workers compensation claims lodged after 1 July 2014.

Claims lodged prior to 1 July 2014 will continue to be covered under the Accident Compensation Act 1985.

The WIRC Act has incorporated the Accident Compensation Act 1985 and the Accident Compensation (WorkCover Insurance) Act 1993 into a single Act. The new Act is simpler and easier to use. The WIRC Act can be found on the Victorian Government’s legislation website.

The WIRC Act does not change the benefits available, nor does it change the way that premium is calculated. For more information, please see:

Master Builders’ OHS Unit has more than 25 years experience in the area of workers compensation and played a role in providing advice to the VWA about the structure of the new Act to ensure that the Act will be easier to use and understand.

For more information contact the OHS Unit on (03) 9411 4569.

WorkSafe rebranded Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA)

If you encounter a health and safety inspector on your site you will need to be aware that the inspectors will most likely introduce themselves as a ‘VWA Inspector’ rather than as a WorkSafe Inspector.

The Victorian Government recently decided to rebrand WorkSafe Victoria to their new name of “Victorian WorkCover Authority” or VWA. The name “Victorian WorkCover Authority” is actually the name that is provided to the regulator under the Accident Compensation Act 1985.

You can call the OHS Unit on (03) 9411 4569 should you encounter a VWA Inspector and need assistance.