The announcement on 28 October from the Turnbull government that $1.5 billion of Commonwealth funding will be now be made available for new infrastructure projects in Victoria comes as welcome news according to Master Builders Association of Victoria CEO Radley de Silva.

The availability of these funds comes with the stipulation that they be used for new infrastructure projects, with the Western Distributor and Monash Freeway upgrades identified as possible targets for the funds.

“Master Builders is very encouraged by the news that Federal funding originally slated for the now-defunct East West Link project, has been approved to help pursue new infrastructure projects in Victoria,” Mr de Silva said.

“While East West Link represented a vital project for alleviating congestion on our roads, it is now important to move on and take action on much-needed engineering construction projects and stop playing partisan politics with our transport infrastructure,” he said.

“It appears the Turnbull government recognises the urgency for major infrastructure projects in Victoria and our hope is that the Andrews government seizes this opportunity to fulfil the acute need for shovel-ready engineering construction works to plan for Victoria’s future,” Mr de Silva said.

“The funds approved make a significant gesture toward recognising not only the need for projects that boost the economy and the high quality of life enjoyed by Victorians, but also the urgency of protecting the building and construction industry, which is Victoria’s second-largest full-time employer.”