Master Builders has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement of imminent repair works and improvements to Flinders Street Station.

The Andrews Government has pledged $100 million to undertake urgent restoration works and upgrade the platforms, entrances, toilets and information displays of the 113-year old station.

Master Builders Chief Executive Officer Radley de Silva said the announcement was positive news, particularly as the project was described as ‘urgent’ and slated for commencement this year.

“Upgrades to Flinders Street Station and other public transport facilities represent important infrastructure that Victorians are demanding,” Mr de Silva said.

“This will also help create jobs in an area of construction that has been left to languish with the cancellation of big-ticket projects.

“Engineering construction works are at a five-year low, even though the numbers of Victorians who rely on the amenities they provide is growing,” he said.

The works are expected to help commuters and tourists who use the station every day. Platforms and entrances will be upgraded to allow people to get through the gates faster and reduce passenger crush at peak times.

Premier Daniel Andrews said that his first priority is making the dilapidated building the modern, passenger-friendly station that it should be.

“Flinders Street Station used to be the pride of our state, but now it’s an embarrassment. Disgusting toilets and dingy platforms don’t belong in our grand old dame.

“I won’t sit by and watch this icon crumble. We’ll end the decay now – it’s the first step to restoring this station to its former glory,” Mr Andrews said.

The Australian Financial Review reported that the Government has allocated the funds from this year’s budget and that it is expected to take up to five years for the restoration work, which includes repairing a leaky roof and platform upgrades.