It has become a common occurrence to have members approach us after an exhaustive but fruitless search of banks for financing, leaving themselves with no further option. When you’re looking for a loan to buy a house, fund your business or develop properties, you could use an experienced finance broker (like Master Builders Financial Services – MBFS) or go direct to a bank. I cannot think of any circumstance in which it would be more beneficial going directly to a bank, but I can certainly list numerous reasons to use MBFS.

While a bank will offer you only its own products, MBFS is a finance and building industry expert that will take the guesswork out of finding the finance product that suits you and your needs from among a plethora of banks, non-banks and private lending institutions.

Dealing with banks is often cumbersome, slow and impersonal, requiring your situation conform to the tick boxes on their forms. Dealing with MBFS means dealing with individuals focused on the needs of their clients, working hard to meet the expectation of each person, whether for their home loan or development finance and everything in between.

What Master Builders Financial Services can do for you

Provide tailored lending solutions to meet your objectives

By having access to the majority of the lending institutions in Australia, MBFS can find the bank best-suited to provide the solution that meets your needs, instead of going directly to a bank and having to comply with that lender’s policy.

Do the legwork and contacts

MBFS brokers already know the industry, the lenders, their products and their requirements, saving you the expenditure of a lot of time and energy. The alternative is for you to research solutions and submit applications and supporting documentation when there may be no real chance of getting your loan approved with a particular lender.

Being the broker for members of the Master Builders Association for more than a decade means the MBFS team has access to bank assessors and decision makers within banks so they can ‘workshop’ applications before going through the application process.

Translate industry jargon

MBFS finance brokers are able to make sense of what loan documents and lenders are saying. Translating industry terminology and phrases into layperson’s language helps you to understand updates more easily and in a timely manner.

Help you compare the different loans / lenders

MBFS brokers have the knowledge and tools to compare hundreds of products and lenders so you get the most appropriate and competitive loan suitable for your circumstances and needs.

Find you a good deal

Loan providers are always providing special offers and these could make a huge difference to your repayments or the success of your business. MBFS knows which of the deals are on the market at any given time and are often able to negotiate better-than-standard offers for our clients.

Act as your advocate

A good finance broker wants the best for you, their client. They will be your cheer squad, middle-man and team player guiding you through the process. Their focus is on a mutually beneficial relationship rather than selling a particular bank’s product.

Provide full transparency

You will receive a clearly itemized and documented quote on what the loan will cost you, including any fees or charges, and with a chance for you to question everything before signing the quote and giving your written consent for the finance broker to proceed with the solution.

The MBFS team is in it for the long haul

A relationship with MBFS is a lasting one. We will oversee and manage your loan’s progression right through to the end on your behalf. The ‘end’, by the way, isn’t when you sign the documents and buy your property; you can expect your broker to keep track of you and your changing needs, providing assistance should you need to switch products, purchase another property or build your business.

Finally, when you deal with an expert finance broker, they will not be promoted away from your account, to another job, portfolio or department. The expert team members at Master Builder’s Financial Services have chosen their careers and are in them for the long haul!

Chocolate Money t/a Master Builders Financial Services and holds an Australian Credit License – number 387277.

Contact Master Builders Financial Services on 1300 137 539 and ask to speak to an expert finance broker or email the Director, Harry Pontikis on [email protected] and he will nominate the most appropriate person to exceed your expectations.

Disclaimer: This information is not specific advice as your situation has not been taken into consideration so is merely general in nature. For a tailored solution to your situation, contact Chocolate Money t/a Master Builders Financial Services on 1300 137 539.