(Above: Ballarat Apprentice of the Year Steven Butler with Master Builders General Manager Member Services Viviana Hood and Ballarat Vice Section Chairman Stuart Allen)

Carpentry apprentice Steven Butler from Ballarat was named the Master Builders Ballarat Section Apprentice of the Year at the Mercure Hotel and Convention Centre, Ballarat last night before an audience of nearly 200.

Steven was among four apprentices from the Ballarat region to be recognised for their dedication, skill and hard work.

The other three winners on the night were Employer-Nominated winner Jack Grayland from Ballarat, Chairman’s Award winner Brady Jenner from Horsham and Ballarat Diploma Student of the Year John Davison from Ballarat East.

Master Builders’ Careers Officer Kathleen Peachey said that this year’s nominees demonstrated admirable determination and commitment to developing their careers in building.

“Section winner Steven loves working on older homes and the challenges they present,” Ms Peachey said. “He impressed the judges with his belief that his trade has presented him with life lessons, making him into a better person.”

Employer-Nominated winner Jack Grayland impressed the judges with his mature, dedicated approach to his carpentry trade.

“Jack has a strong business focus, and is eager to build his business slowly to help ensure its longevity,” Ms Peachey said.

Chairman’s Award winner Brady Jenner was described by the judges as mature and enthusiastic, with a keen interest in the importance of design.

“Brady values the efforts and support others have invested in him, and he is eager to help younger apprentices,” Ms Peachey said. “He looks forward to staying with his boss to show his appreciation.”

The judges said Diploma student John Davison impressed them with his keen interest in understanding the goals of others and working collaboratively to achieve them.

“John is planning to pursue registration as a draftsperson this year, and then wants to study architecture part time to help him toward his own building design business,” Ms Peachey said. “He is ambitious bust also understands he has a lot to learn.”

Master Builders Chief Executive Officer Radley de Silva emphasised that apprentices are essential to Victoria’s building industry.

“We need a skilled workforce in the building and construction industry that will continue to provide the homes and infrastructure Victoria needs.

“Apprentices help to build our communities,” Mr de Silva said. “Acknowledging their hard work and dedication encourages apprentices across Victoria to continue their career path to achieve better and greater things in our industry.”

Regional winners are selected after an interview with a panel of three judges. Once awarded, they will be invited to attend the State Apprentice of the Year Awards on 12 May in Melbourne where the overall winners will be announced.