Master Builders is pleased to announce the opening of nominations for all three of our major annual Excellence in Building Awards series—the Regional Building Awards, Excellence in Construction Awards and Excellence in Housing Awards. New this year, the nominations and submittals process has moved online, making it easier and less cumbersome for members to prepare and submit their projects for review.

The new system offers a number of advantages over the previous hard copy method:

• Easy, fast registration, reducing the time it takes to enter
• An “auto save” feature that works as you go, allowing members to make changes or update their submissions right up until deadline
• Intuitive entry process
• Entry management
• Easy entry into multiple categories
• Easy tracking of key dates

To enter, click here.

As always, there are numerous benefits to entering the awards programs, including:

• Gaining a competitive edge
• Valuable self-promotion
• Recognition not just within our industry, but among the general public as well
• Benchmarking – see how you compare to your competitors
• Motivation and reward for hardworking employees

Read about the experience of members who have reaped the rewards of entering their work herehereand here.
For any questions, please call the Events team at (03) 9411 4555.