(The winner’s circle: l to r, Jayden Kitt, Jake Chant and section winner Stephen Russo with Head of Membership Dom Butera and CEO Radley de Silva)

Carpentry apprentice Stephen Russo from Irymple was named the Master Builders North West Section Apprentice of the Year at the Quality Hotel Mildura Grand last night.

Stephen was one of three apprentices from the North West region to be recognised for their dedication, skill and hard work.

The other winners on the night were Employer-nominated winner Jayden Kitt from Merbein and Chairman’s Award winner Jake Chant from South Mildura.

Master Builders’ Careers Officer Kathleen Peachey said that this year’s nominees showed great determination and commitment to building their careers.

“Section winner Stephen is an outstanding young apprentice who distinguished himself from his competitors,” Ms Peachey said.

“Stephen feels his boss has been very generous in passing on his skills,” she said, “and he would like to work on further commercial and industrial buildings to expand his experience, and travel to see how construction is carried out in other countries.

“He also impressed the judges with his awareness of the importance of the business side of building.”

“Employer-nominated winner Jayden Kitt looks forward to having his own apprentices down the track to pass on the skills he has learned,” Ms Peachey said. “He views the early years of an apprenticeship as hard, but worth the effort for the relationships you get to make if you see them through,” she said.

Chairman’s Award winner Jake Chant loves the variety that his role offers, and the opportunity to be involved in different building techniques.

“He is keen to keep learning, get registered and plans to complete further studies towards this goal,” Ms Peachey said.

Master Builders Chief Executive Officer Radley de Silva emphasised that apprentices are essential to Victoria’s building industry.

“We need a skilled workforce in the building and construction industry that will continue to provide the homes and infrastructure Victoria needs.

“Apprentices help to build our communities,” Mr de Silva said. “Acknowledging their hard work and dedication encourages apprentices across Victoria to continue their career path to achieve better and greater things in our industry.”

Regional winners are selected after an interview with a panel of three judges. Once awarded, they will be invited to attend the State Apprentice of the Year Awards on 12 May in Melbourne where the overall winners will be announced.