The current Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption was established in March 2014 and is tasked with investigating governance and corruption issues in trade unions and associated entities, including the CFMEU.

To date the inquiry has revealed evidence of criminal conduct which includes widespread instances of physical and verbal violence, cartel conduct, secondary boycotts, contempt of court and other institutional orders, and the encouragement of others to commit these contempts.

Taskforce Heracles, using detectives from the Victoria Police fraud and extortion squad and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), has been established to examine allegations referred to it by the Royal Commission as well as any intelligence directly relating to criminal activity by rogue elements within the union movement.

The briefing will provide an overview of the Royal Commission’s progress to date, as well as the opportunity to hear from, and be heard by, key representatives of Taskforce Heracles.

Details of Master Builders’ next industry briefings for commercial contractors are below.

Royal Commission & Taskforce Heracles briefing

Date:     Thursday 18 June 2015

Time:     4pm

Venue:   332 Albert Street, East Melbourne

Cost:      Free, for members only

If you are interested to learn more, please contact our Industrial Relations Department on (03) 9411 4560. Alternatively, you can RSVP for the seminar here.