Did you know that you are not entitled to be paid for a job until you go through the correct handover?

Do you know the handover process?

When Master Builders Legal Manager Angelo Simonetto surveyed a room full of experienced builders, he was shocked to discover that not one of them knew the correct process for handover.

It’s a mistake a lot of builders make,” he said.

“Handover is an important contractual step and failure to properly execute it will mean that you are not entitled to be paid, irrespective of whether the work is complete or not.”

Daniel Oldham, a Partner at Oldham Naidoo Lawyers, will discuss handover issues at our Handover: How to get paid on time and avoid defects claims in VCAT seminar on 24 April. The event is part of our monthly Legal Seminars program, designed to help you protect your business.

“Daniel is a leading construction lawyer who specialises in VCAT litigation and he has defended builders and owners for many years,” Mr Simonetto said.

“He’s well suited to helping you tp avoid defect claims in VCAT and how to get paid on time.”

Not only is handover an important step, but avoiding defect claims in VCAT means saving time and money too.

“A defects claim in VCAT can be very costly to a builder, both in terms of time and expense of litigation, so it’s best to try to sort out any defects way before we get to VCAT,” Mr Simonetto said.

Disputes can also arise about the quality and timing of the works. The seminar will discuss a framework for dispute resolution at handover including tips on dealing with defects and quality assurance. You will also hear about case studies and tips for getting paid on time under contract.

Topic: Handover: How to get paid on time and avoid defects claims in VCAT
Date: Thursday, 24 April
Time: 5.30 to 6.30pm
Venue: Master Builders, 332 Albert Street, East Melbourne

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