Recognition of Master Builders’ achievements in several areas has been abundant lately. Last month,we received word that we’d been nominated for Small Training provider of the Year in the Victorian Training Awards. The award recognises outstanding delivery of training in skills central to the success of businesses capability growth, as well as individual career and employment outcomes.

We had never applied for the award previously, but considering that Master Builders has seen an 86 per cent increase in regional training over the past three years, it seemed a good time to test the waters. In FY 2015-16 we trained over 4,200 people, providing nearly 95,000 training hours. Master Builders’ effectiveness comes from its broad-based approach to education, which includes not just instruction, but deep involvement in the building and construction industry, and ongoing research to determine the areas of greatest need in developing careers in our sector.

To be among three finalists was a great result. A few weeks later, we got the really big news. We’d won.

Next, right after that, we were named finalists in the Premier’s Sustainability Awards 2016 in the category of education. That came as a result of our work on establishing a Green Card environmental induction program for the building and construction industry in our state.

Then we learned Master Builders is a finalist in the 2016 WorkSafe Award for Health and Safety Invention of the Year. This is for the “Prevention and Awareness of Bullying” training provided at the Building Leadership Simulation Centre (BLSC).

This offers some reassurance that Master Builders delivers our members specialist knowledge and expertise that can really help you get the work you’re after, and do it safely, properly and with regard for the environment. These awards don’t come to any group that hasn’t achieved results.

But awards and nominations don’t really amount to much unless it means we’re able to help you with your career, at whatever stage of it you find yourself. So let us show you how that can happen. Contact us at (03) 9411 4555 for information on membership and training opportunities that may help you get the work you’re after.