Major developers and builders in Australia are emerging as world leaders in utilising timber and engineered wood in construction of multi-residential and commercial buildings.

The Frame Australia conference “Building with engineered wood construction systems will host some of the nation’s top designers and builders discussing the benefits of timber in construction on 1 June at Park Hyatt Melbourne.

A key issue for designers and builders is the ability to use prefabricated construction with components built in a controlled environment rather than on the building site, to minimise risk and improve productivity.

This trend has rapidly progressed in a range of capital city developments for medium-rise three to five storeys, and high-rise up to 10 storeys.

“Timber and wood construction is rapidly progressing and creating new thinking in how to achieve faster construction times to improve financial returns, whilst improving safety and sustainability outcomes,” session speaker Andrew Nieland, of Lend Lease, said.

Prominent architect James Fitzpatrick will discuss utilising CLT construction over nine levels high for a boutique hotel development in Sydney, and other benchmark projects featuring engineered wood construction.

Contributors to the discussions will include David Waldren, National Executive Design Manager, Grocon Group and Robert Pradolin, General Manager, Business Development, Australand Property Group.

“The Australian construction industry is actually outpacing other countries in the growth of timber buildings, with some 30 major developments nationally being either planned, or having commenced construction,” Andrew Dunn of the Timber Development Association noted.

“We see this trend continuing with prefab timber and engineered wood construction systems gathering wide support, and the supply chain expanding to meet the future requirements of builders,” he concluded.

For more information visit the Frame Australia website