In a positive sign for the building and construction industry, Victorian Parliament has adjourned for 2014 without debating the Building Legislation Amendment Bill (BLAB).

This is a significant win for the building and construction industry. While the current Government has promised that if elected, outstanding legislation will be reintroduced, this provides Master Builders with the opportunity to negotiate with both of the major parties ahead of the election. The outcome also means that Master Builders will be able to consult with the incoming government to ensure the best outcome for members and the broader building and construction industry.

Earlier this year, Master Builders provided advice to members on proposed reforms to the building industry by the State Government.

The Building Legislation Amendment Bill set out a range of changes to builder registration processes, domestic building insurance and consumer disputes.

Master Builders’ main concerns about the legislation were around increased red tape and added project costs and delays. Master Builders met with the State Government and Opposition to strongly advocate for further consideration of the key reforms, and won a reprieve, delaying Parliamentary consideration of The Bill which was originally intended to pass by 1 July.

The Building Legislation Amendment Bill was not debated by the end of the last sitting day of Victorian Parliament on 16 October, which has now adjourned ahead of the State Election on 29 November.