From 1 September 2016, only owners may appoint private building surveyors, not builders. To help with this change, Master Builders’ legal department offers its members a generic template for the appointment of a private building surveyor by the owner.

This template can be altered to suit your particular style or requirement. If making changes to it, however, Master Builders’ legal department stresses that you should make certain that key aspects of the template remain, that is the:

1. Identity of the owner; and
2. The details of the Land; and
3. The Nomination of the building surveyor (can be a single entry or multiple as shown); and
4. Signature of owner

A copy of the form should be retained by the builder upon signing by the owner for evidence that this requirement has been complied with. Further information about his change can be found at the VBA website.

Click here to download the template.

If you have any concerns or questions, contact Master Builders’ legal department at (03) 9411 4555.