The Turnbull government can now call a double dissolution election, with cross-bench senators Lambie, Madigan, Lazarus and Muir joining Labor and the Greens in voting down the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 (the ABCC Bill) 34 votes to 36.

The Prime Minister has subsequently confirmed this intention at a press conference yesterday, stating that he expected the election would be held on 2 July – with a formal announcement to be made after the 3 May Federal Budget.

As a result, it will be the Australian people who get to decide whether there should be an Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC).

Whilst the CFMEU will continue its campaign of false statements and misinformation, the case for the restoration of the ABCC is obvious to any fair and reasonably minded person. A ‘strong cop on the beat’, supported by the necessary underpinning legislation, is needed to stamp out ingrained unlawful behaviour, change industry culture, improve safety, promote productive, non-restrictive working arrangements and ensure that the rule of law is observed on Australian building and construction sites.

Master Builders continues to strongly support the policy position taken in the national interest by the Turnbull Government – including the strengthened Building Code 2014 aimed at using the Government’s purchasing power as a major client in the industry to help drive this necessary cultural reform and deliver our community more schools, hospitals and roads for our taxpayer dollar.

Members seeking further information should contact the IR Department on (03) 9411 4560.